The Students’ RFU (SRFU) are seeking to appoint two new trustees to join its existing Trustee Board and support the organisation deliver it’s aspirations of making student rugby inclusive and easy to access for any student who wishes to be involved in the game.
We are especially interested in hearing from prospective candidates who have an interest/expertise in the following areas:
Student Representative: a current or recent graduate with close connections to the student game
Female Game Representative: an experienced professional who has an active interest in the development of the female game
The Students’ Rugby Football Union is a national constituent body of the Rugby Football Union (RFU). The SRFU is the representative body for university rugby union in England with a particular responsibility for the governance, development and growth of the game. We work in close partnership with both the RFU Player Pipeline Team and BUCS to ensure that there is a coordinated approach to the development and delivery of higher education rugby.
The SRFU is a charitable company led by a team of committed volunteers and supported by one part-time employee. The trustees have a responsibility for understanding the environment in which the charity is operating and for leading the charity in fulfilling its purposes as effectively as possible with the resources available, ultimately upholding the highest levels of governance.
As part of a wider modernisation project, the trustees have identified that the Board would benefit from a diversity of backgrounds, both in person and in profession. We would specifically benefit from new trustees who are closely connected to the beneficiaries of the organisation (students) or have experience in developing the female game. Bringing their skillsets to the Board, the new trustees would help equip the charity to deliver its charitable purposes.
The SRFU is committed to diversity and inclusion amongst its trustees, reflecting the sector which is serves. We welcome applications from those from Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds and women, as they are under-represented within the SRFU. We are actively looking for people who are passionate about rugby and making a positive difference.
How to apply
For more information or to apply for a trustee role, please send your CV and covering letter, confirming which of the two opportunities you are interested in, via email to Patrick Craig (Hon. Secretary) at by Thursday 17th June 2021. Interviews are expected to take place online Monday 28th June 2021 with a view to recommend appointments to the forthcoming AGM on Thursday 1st July 15.30 2021.
About the Students’ RFU
The Students’ Rugby Football Union is a national constituent body of the Rugby Football Union (RFU). The SRFU is the representative body for university rugby union in England with a particular responsibility for the governance, development and growth of the game. It is a charitable company registered at both Companies House (Company Number: 04240029) and with the Charities Commission (Charity Number: 1087986).
The charitable purpose of the Students’ RFU is “the advancement of amateur sport”.
The charitable objects of the Students’ RFU are: “To administer, foster, encourage, extend and control rugby union football (“the game”) for the moral, mental and physical development of students at universities and other institutions of higher education in England”
As a charity, the SRFU is governed by a board of trustees whose core responsibility is the general control and management of the administration of the organisation, including governance, budget and strategy.
The Trustee Board is currently made up of the following members, all of whom are volunteers:
Hon. Secretary
Hon. Treasurer
Vice President
2 representatives of the Students’ RFU on RFU Council
Student Representative (New role)
Female Game Representative (New role)
The trustee Board is supported by a Full Committee which includes representatives from our partner organisations (RFU and BUCS) and a number of sub-committees and task specific working groups.
About the role
As a trustee of the Students’ RFU you will be expected to attend and contribute to the following:
4 trustee board meetings per year (2hrs per meeting). The majority of these will be held online with at least one in person
4 full committee meetings per year (2hrs per meeting). These meetings will be held online
Involvement in at least one sub-committee / working group
Attendance at the Annual General Meeting
In addition, you may wish to attend the annual development conference and awards programme.
Upon appointment, trustees will be asked to attend a trustee induction which will be conducted online.
Each trustee shall hold office from the end of the annual general meeting following election to the end of the third annual general meeting after election. Trustees will be able to be re-elected for two further terms of three years.
Your responsibilities as a trustee:
As a trustee of the Students’ RFU you will have 7 legal responsibilities and 12 essential duties.
Your legal responsibilities are to;
Ensure your charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit
Comply with your charity’s governing document and the law
Act in the charity’s best interests
Manage your charity’s resources responsibly
Act with reasonable care and skill
Ensure your charity is accountable
Make decisions as a Trustee Board
Your essential duties are to:
Set and maintain vision
Develop strategy
Establish and monitor policies
Ensure compliance with the governing document
Ensure accountability
Ensure compliance with the law
Maintain proper fiscal oversight
Respect the role of staff / volunteers
Maintain effective board performance
Promote the organisation
Set up employment procedures
Select and support the Chief Executive/Senior organisation leader
As a volunteer for the Students’ RFU, we will ensure that all reasonable expenses are reimbursed including travel, accommodation and subsistence where appropriate.